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Children’s Dental Emergencies

Call The Office

(03) 5278 2666

Office Location

21 Princes Highway, Norlane, VIC 3214

Dental Team

Meet our dental team

Children’s Dental Emergencies Norlane Geelong

When your child experiences any dental emergency, seek dental attention immediately.

Postponing treatment can lead to complications and further procedures. Our emergency paediatric dentists provide warm care in a child-friendly setting.

At Norlane Dental Aesthetics and Implants, we understand that many children are scared to go to the dentist. Our goal is to make our young patients feel safe and relaxed during their visit.

If you have a feeling that your child is suffering from toothache or other dental emergencies, please contact your Norlane dentist to schedule treatment as soon as possible.

But how do you identify a dental emergency? What do you do to handle a dental emergency until your child gets to the dentist?

Is it a dental emergency?

If you are unsure of what an exact dental emergency is, answer the following questions:

  • Is the child bleeding through the mouth?
  • Is the child in severe pain?
  • Are there any avulsed teeth?
  • Is there any swelling in the mouth?
  • Is there any inflammation on the gums?

If your answer is YES to any of these questions, your child might be having a dental emergency, and he/she needs to see a paediatric dentist right away.

Read on to discover more about the most common children’s dental emergencies and how to manage them at home.

toothache dental emergency blurb dentist norlane geelong

Dental Pain

Rinse your child’s mouth with lukewarm saltwater. This helps alleviate pain and relieve tenderness. Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and painful twinges.

Clear the mouth of food debris. Do not give aspirin to your child. This can only cause additional complication. Most importantly, see your children’s dentist immediately.

broken or chipped or cracked tooth blurb

Broken, chipped or cracked tooth

Wash your child’s mouth with lukewarm saltwater and apply an ice pack to his/her face, against the affected area.

Go to your Norlane dentist right away.

Dislodged or knocked-out tooth

If your child’s tooth loosens because of trauma, call your Norlane dentist immediately. While waiting to go to your dentist, rinse your child’s mouth with lukewarm saltwater.

Do not try to return a temporary tooth to its socket. It may affect the growth of the tooth under the gums.

Bitten Tongue or Lip

Wipe the area with clean, wet gauze and place a cold compress on the face to reduce swelling.

If there’s bleeding, apply light pressure on the affected area for 10 minutes or until the bleeding stops.

Children’s Dental Emergencies in Norlane Geelong

If your child has a dental emergency, please call your Norlane dentist as soon as possible. We will make sure to accommodate your child and provide an immediate solution.

Child Dental Benefits Schedule

Bulk Bill for children who are eligible for MEDICARE CHILD DENTAL BENEFITS SCHEDULE

Up to $1000 worth of dental treatments over two years

Same Day Dental Emergency Available!

For any Children’s Dental Emergencies in Norlane Geelong, call us on (03) 5278 2666 or visit us at 21 Princes Highway in Norlane.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should my child see a paediatric dentist?
Children should start seeing their dentist every six months, by their first birthday or once their first tooth emerges.
Are baby teeth really important to my child?
Baby teeth are important for several reasons. Not only do they help children speak properly and chew naturally, but they also aid in forming a path that permanent teeth can follow when they are ready to erupt.
When should we start using toothpaste, and how much should we use?
The sooner, the better! Starting at birth, wipe your child’s gums with a soft infant toothbrush or clean cloth and water.

As soon as baby teeth erupt, parents should use a very tiny amount of fluoride toothpaste to brush them two times a day, using a soft, age-appropriate sized toothbrush.

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